App to stop my dog from barking

I am making a app to correct my dog when shes barking at night by having my phone on her bench at night. I want it to go off when a certain decibel level is reached, i set it to infinitly record 5 second snippets & review them to see if she barked but i cant find a way to get the peak decibel from the snippet so i can make it go off with a vibration & tone when she barks. Thanks! :smiley:

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I was thinking there might be a way to do this with IFTTT but I don’t see anything for mobile phones. And the Cloudinary API has a way to increase or decrease the decibel level of a sound recording but not a way to measure it. So I’m stumped!

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These look promising:


MDN now has a way to measure sound level.
AnalyserNode.maxDecibels - Web APIs | MDN this is the function.

Check this demo


Measure Loudness yes, i am pretty handy with Thunkables components & variables but i dont know how to do anything outside of the Thunkable "Blocks’’. Could you explain how id set this up and use it in Thunkable? :smiley:


Measure Loudness yes, i am pretty handy with Thunkables components & variables but i dont know how to do anything outside of the Thunkable "Blocks’’. Could you explain how id set this up and use it in Thunkable? :smiley:


You will need to use Web Viewer Extensions for this.

See the example here

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Ill still need some help. I see this needs to be setup first but i dont know what website they are talking about and how i would set this up

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