App to connect to iBeacon Bluetooth

Hi, has anyone made an app that connects to Bluetooth iBeacons?

I want to be able to see iBeacons and make the app react to them, if I can check distance, even better.

If you have created anything amazing with Bluetooth, let me know but I am really interested in working with Bluetooth iBeacons.

Fyi, beacons are rarely connected unless you want to change their configuration. Beacons broadcast their signals without any connection. In fact, if you connect to them, they stop broadcasting.

Re your question, no I haven’t made any BLE or beacon apps with thunkable x yet. It still seems like iBeacons and BLE is way way down the priority list of things to get fixed within thunkable x. I’m hoping it happens someday though!

Hi. Yes, I know about iBeacons which is why I want to work with them. I’ve done a few tests, it sees the beacon but I can’t read the ID or the major or minor info or the distance.

I got a lot of ideas that I want to do with iBeacons. Hopefully, this will happen someday soon.