App is very slow with multiple data viewer lists on multiple pages

Hi all,

I heave built a music festival app to display the acts by day/time, venue, and artist. Each version of the schedule has its own page, and I used Data Viewer Lists to create each version of the schedule. The fewest # of DVL on one page is 4, and the largest number is about 30. Each one is connected to a Google sheet (3 separate sheets with multiple tabs) and there are only 4 rows on each tab. It is taking so long for some of these to load and I worry that with more people on the app, it will take even longer. Does anyone have a solution to make them load faster?

I have read through some of the related topics but don’t feel like I have found a solution that fits my situation.

Hi @karastudenskip, thanks for reaching out about this! Are the schedules fixed or subject to change? If they are fixed, you could try using a local table data source. Since the information would live in the app itself, calling the data should be faster.

Hi Matt,

I will need to update them as things change, but it looks like I would be able to do that with a local table without re-publishing - is that inaccurate?

If you use a local table, you would need to publish an update to the app when you make any changes.

There are many different variables that play into the speed of how quickly the data viewer will load an external data source so it is hard to parse this down. If you’re able, it may be worth trying out Airtable as your data source to see if that is quicker.

I just tried using airtable and it actually went slower than with Google Docs. Is there a set of blocks that will speed it up?

Is the Data Viewer List one of the default data viewers or are you using a Custom Data Viewer? Are they just displaying text from the Google Sheet?

It is just one of the default viewers displaying text from the Google Sheet.

Thanks for that info. Let me do some tests and see what I can find.

Google and airtable are not good options for speedy db interactions

Use supabase or xano. You’ll be golden. Quick as heck! Plus with xano you can easily offload heavy work from client to server.

Thanks, Jared! How do I connect one of those to Thunkable? Google Sheets and Airtable are both options, but I don’t believe the others are?

It is a more advanced feature than using the Data Viewers but @jared is absolutely correct. He’s done a lot of great work here in the Community with Xano. This is specifically a great post about getting started:

We also did a webinar several years ago (most everything should still be the same today!) that would be worth looking at:

Let us know if you have any questions as you get started!

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@jared I have no idea what is backend or xano is.

Can you please explain in Laymans term … what does it do…

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