Airtable: How to add an image without overwrite the current one in a record

Can anyone help telling me how to add an image without overwrite the current one in a record?

Currently I would like to take pictures by camera and save images in a record, want the images to be accumulated and not overwritten. Haver already tried some methods (e.g. make the links as lists / arrays) but still not possible to do so.

You cannot store images in Airtable and use them in Thunkable. This is because of a change Airtable made to their attachment permissions.

But if you are only storing urls (as text) in Thunkable, then it will work. To store multiple urls in a single Airtable cell, use the make text from list block that creates a string with delimiters.

I have tried your method using the URL, but I cannot add with more images in the Airtable cell.
The “get value” function only returns one URL. Maximum I can only have two images added in the cell, since only the first image URL is retrieved. Any method to retrieve all images’ URL in one cell?

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