Multiple images on a single cell Airtable

Hello! As you know, you can add many files as attachments manually to a cell in Airtable. Is there a way to do this through blocks? and if yes, how would I get those images?
I know how to get and upload one image, but is what I asked possible?

Thank you!


Base simple example

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Thanks for your help, this worked fine, but I noticed that it also works if you only append the url and you upload it to the spreadsheet. It makes it easier to retrieve the photos

Is there any possibility of adding an image to an airtable cell that already has images in it without it overwriting? I assume this can be done by retrieving the images from the airtable first and re-uploading but it seems redundant to have to download, then upload the same image. This would especially become a headache if the cell had several images and the user’s data speed was lowered due to cell signal (ex: rural areas).

I tried the above solution it cam back as error ObjectObject, realising that the list approach seemed correct a tweeked it.

I used Stored Variables to collect file url’s ( was just using images) I now have it working so thought it usefull to share

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If the above solution doesn’t work for you, i would recommend that you open your own threat since this one is around 2 years old.