Add keyboard keydown and keyup event and multiselect in editor

Hello :wave: .

So recently ive been trying to add keyboard functiosn to my webapp such as making keyboard shortcuts, however there are no blocks in thunkable to do so and sadly using an iframe and js wasnt very optimal.
So could the keyup and keydown events be added to thunkable?

In this same project i also have to cosntant move each component hand by hand when i mis placed everything so could multiselect also be added?


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Hi @sketch, thanks for your feedback about this! We do currently offer the Dismiss Keyboard block as a way to control the visibility of they keybaord but I will pass along the rest of this feedback to our Product team. We appreciate you sharing it!

For the issue with selecting the moving multiple components, have you tried using the Group component, this would allow you to do that!

@matt_conroy thanks for replying, I’m aware that I can use groups to do that however sometimes I’m just a little forgetfully and forget to place everything in a group so having multi select would come as a savior to me :sweat_smile:.

Also talking about this made me think of another ideaπŸ˜…, maybe thunkable can also add a future to place the elements you multi selected in a group?