Add floating action button app

Estou procurando nessa plataforma o floating action button

para add no meu app mais so tem button normal!
tem extensão tipo puravidaapps para importa ? por favor mim ajuda ,

Ingles por favor.

Extensions do not work with X platform. If you want extensions then you need to use Classic ( however you do not have iOS compatibility. It is a trade off you need to choose. Platform extensibility or features.

sorry ! I’m Brazilian, I speak little in English! I already use the classic and I’m using this for ios, it has like for a float button in the app in thunkable x has like? yes I had I need please give me this tip! Thanks in advance.

X does not have a Floating Action button

If you need a button on top of other elements and located in one place, you can see an example of it on the scrButtons screen in the project (this will be a big button with the + symbol.)

I noticed that there is no floating button and it has no activity stater, it has another option to replace this function

Floating buttons in Thunkable X are made by hand. I offer only a template or an idea of ​​how this can be done.

Can you help me with how to make a floating button?

First you need to decide what the button should look like. After that, you need to determine what should happen when you press it. What are your difficulties?

Olá, eu também estou querendo fazer isso, meu botão apenas set em um endereço http como get, gostaria que ele pudesse ser visto ou na tela de notificações do celular ou na tela de bloqueio ou tela inicial como “widgets”.


I’m afraid that the functionality in Thunkable X will not allow you to do this.

You can use the ‘open link’ block to accomplish the function of the Activity Starter.
Here’s a post about it.

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@allinfotec, and you can check out the sample app “FABulous” for an example of how to create your own FAB:

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Hey all! I am trying to implement this on a scrollable page but am running into issues. As a note, this does work fine when using a non scrollable page or when using a webviewer that has scrollable content.

Does anyone have experience using this on a screen that has scrollable content, such as a listviewer with many items?

as a note, i did follow the instructions for a FAB from the tutorial above but it doesn’t work on a scrollable screen. Only over a web viewer for which the screen doesn’t scroll but the webviewere itself

Hi @jared! I´m trying to build a footer with buttons. Scrollable page too. You got it?

It is totally doable even on scrolling screens. Create the button right under the screen component and set its positioning to absolute. I will let you experiment with the rest :wink:

See an example here

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Thanks! I learned to use EdgeOffsets with your example.

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