Accounts manager (A personal finances app)

Here is a screenshot of all the extensions that are currently uploaded in the project.

However this is still a work in progress and some of the extensions may not be used finally and other extensions will be added.

More specifically I am not sure if in the final apk I will use TaifunTextbox extension since this was meant to be used in the screen that I am modifying/deleting records and I think that I will use another approach after all.

Also I am planning to add SQlite Extension by Carlos Pedroza for using it in the detailed and synopsis reports tables.

Finally I am going to add charts in the Statistics screen using charts.js by using this open sourced project

Also I have developed my own html file that dynamically generates the tables from a string based on an older script found in App Inventor Tutorials and Examples: Dynamic Table Layout | Pura Vida Apps.
However the table is able to change theme dynamically based on the selections the user has made in Theme screen…

As you can understand there are a lot to be done yet:

  • finalize modify records screen
  • finalize overview (i.e. home screen)
  • design detailed and synopsis reports
  • design statistics (charts) screen
  • update about and changelog
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