About the Questions about Thunkable category

Hi AcrobatePee
Can you please assist with sample block to save to a list a suburb, name and address. Perhaps have more than one in the list. Then I need to be able to view the list and select by touching and expand that item and its elements back into the original suburb, name and address fields. No one has responded and I really need help.



I’m David, my question is this: it is possible to add the possibility of the password box also in the version for ios

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Hi There ,
I want to ask how can I get my Current WebViewer address on Thunkable X

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A post was split to a new topic: Help with Swiping App

2 posts were split to a new topic: [Solved] The Translator is not Translating

A post was merged into an existing topic: You can only add 1 AdMob Banner ad per screen. Please help resolve this issue

I dont get this part
im trying to make a canteen app
and i tried to make this about when i click the image the image goes to the catalog payout screen
is this possible?
and how do i do it?

Use when image clicked An navigate to screen blocks.

hello sir i am a student and i have developed an app for our school but in play store it allow only aab and through mail we are only getting apk pleas help pleas pleas

First of all.
You should create a new topic for this.
And not Just post it where it is off-topic.

Secondly to Publish you need a pro subscription.
Then You can click Publish on android.
Then You should get a mail with the aab file.