[Solved] Spreadsheet query

Hi @Michael_Rogulla,

I accomplished this task today using the Airtable API.

using the URL located in teh CURL,

i add those into the property designer

i use the URL up the question mark
I add a parameter of filterByFormula and use the quickchart formula to filter by an email

then for the header put Authorization as the property and the value is “Bearer YOURKEYHERE”

i checked the response with this
Screen Shot 2020-04-10 at 3.43.07 PM

i will be addin gthis feature into my app. let airtable do the fitltering. save performance on the app/phone

the next step is to add that parameter in dynamically using the text join block and in my case the userID blcok. I also want to add a second filteryBy parameter like name = ‘email’ & cell2 = ‘SomethingElse’