[In Progress] iOS Apps Crash on Launch

I didn´t change anything.

It worked for me a few hours ago, but now it doesn’t work anymore

Hmm, alright. Thanks! apps variables are working fine for me now but not stored variable. Hope @domhnallohanlon can look into it too!

Much appreciated

is anyone able to log into the thunkable website, or is it just me?

I’m able to login. Its just you maybe.

MS Edge


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Any chance you can test on Incognito mode on Chrome to ensure that no plugins are messing up with the screen rendering? Just curious…


No I didn’t have to do anything.
However, the problem is back…

When I checked yesterday evening (I’m in Belgium), it was working again. This morning I was planning to work on my app, but the problem re-appeared. Any updates from the Thunkable team please?

Cleared cache, resoloved. Panic attack over…


it did not solved for me yet :confused:
using iOS

doesn’t solve it for me neither… also using iOS

@to all. My storable variables and app variables were solved and working fine now. Finger crossed nothing will go haywire.

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are you using iOS or Android?

It seems to work in live test mode on my laptop, however my app still freezes when I want to do the preview on my iPhone… I just downloaded Thunkable Live again, but same result… Any thoughts?

I was testing on laptop. It work fine but not for Thunkable Live on phone.

same here… hope it will be resolved soon as I’m stuck without working variables

It’s working fine now after the update. Thanks devs…

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Thunkable staff, any news on this. IOS apps that were working now crash on loading. They still work in thunkable live but as downloaded apps they now crash when they didnt used to. Seems a lot of people are having this issue right now so an update would be appreciated.


Hello @domhnallohanlon , can anyone from Thunkable please give us an update on this issue? I wasn’t able to make any significant progress on my app for the last 2 days because of this variables-issue. I hope I can catch up my delay tomorrow. Many thanks