[Bug] In the testing process in Thunkable Live (iOS 10.3, 11.4), sometimes the list initialization was incorrect index. For example, on the Lists page in the initSpinner block, a list of 3 options is defined. After opening this page, sometimes instead of displaying the first option, the second appeared as if list indexes start from 0. This happened for all lists in the project before it was rebooted. After rebooting the project in Thunkable Live, the indexing of the lists was restored.
Added “File Viewer” screen - allows you to view iOS files of small size from the iPhone
Added “Canvas” screen - contains an examples of working with SVG and <canvas>
Added “Title” screen for more convenient navigation by sections
This version of the project causes a crash when trying to go to any screen or when loading on all my Android emulators. I’m curious to know if it works on Android devices? If not, then maybe we are confronted with some limitations of Android.
This is a unstable version to control the stability of a large application Thunkable X on iOS and Android.
It may not even run on your device or will cause the application to fail on Android (for example when switching to another screen) or oddities in the work on iOS (for example, image is not displayed on the screen the Sprite map, wrong initialization of the Alert dialog on first start)
No. Recently, I added several new screens for working with FireBase, QuintaDB, QR and ran into a problem - new screens do not open in Live! Perhaps I have reached a new restriction in Thunkable X or found another bug related to using too many screens or blocks.