A few suggested Thunkable features to produce truly professional apps

@Andres_Cotes it looks nice what you created…
so this extension only offers properties to modify in the designer, but not in the blocks editor?

but as already mentioned several times, usually we use color blocks for colors instead of hex values
see again our discussion below…
it does not look like you want to follow this design decision from the MIT App Inventor team?


more about colors see also here http://appinventor.mit.edu/explore/ai2/support/blocks/colors.html

How do colors work in App Inventor?

Internally, App Inventor stores each color as a single number. When you use make color and take in a list as an argument, internally this list is then converted using App Inventor’s color scheme and stored as a number. If you knew the numbers for the colors, you could even specify what color you wanted something to be by just setting its Color property to a specific number. If you want to see a chart of colors to numbers, check out this page.

see also http://appinventor.mit.edu/explore/app-inventor-color-chart.html

@moderators might want to move the color discussion into a separate thread…