Hi @Rob_Schoemaker,
Thank you for your response! By reading through the thread you linked, I was able to learn about APIs and the timezonedb.
I’ve made some good progress I think, but I’ve been stumped for a while. If you have a moment, will you help me?
My app has a button that, when pressed, should play a different sound for each day of the month. I think I can do this by getting date info from timezonedb, setting a label’s text to display the date, then have a 31-part if/then block in the play button (if label text says the date is 01, play Sound1, if label text says the date is 02, play Sound2, etc.).
Here are the blocks I have so far:
When the screen starts, we get info from http://api.timezonedb.com/v2/get-time-zone?key=J93B6J5QTQ4M&format=json&by=zone&zone=America/Chicago
The the text in Label1 is set to text from timezonedb’s “formatted” property.
Label 1 now displays “2018-08-18 12:03:02” which is good because the day is in there, but there’s also the year, month, and time, which I don’t need.
I need to figure out a way to have the play button ignore everything except for the day.
Is there a way to tell the play button “Look at the 9th and 10th character of the text in this label…if it’s 01 play Sound1”?
Or maybe there’s a way to tell the label “Only grab the 9th and 10th character from this property and set it as the text?”
Sorry for not quite having all the terminology down yet. Hopefully it comes across! Any ideas?
Thank you!