What format should the Animation component be in?

Lottie file showing zip

Hi there – what problem are you running into? Lottie files are typically .json files.


Whenever i download,its always in zip file

I believe you have to unzip the file and then upload the .json file inside

yea,but shouldnt be so

Hi @itzvinie,

Sites like Lottie files use compressed .zip files to save bandwidth and allow you to download your animations faster than if they were uncompressed.

If you take a look at at the docs for the Animation component it says you need to use the .json file.

Apologies for any confusion caused!

Are you using Thunkable on an Android device by any chance??

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No i build my apps on the PC

When I see lottie there are always two options there to download, one is .zip and second is .json. If it isn’t available then compress the zip file and checkout , there is a json file, upload it.

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Thanks @domhnallohanlon for highlighting about the bandwidth. We at Lottiefiles usually store as zip file if the animation contains its source file or any assets such as images included with the animation.

We recently figured out that some single json files are zipped when its downloaded and are working on trying to sort this out.
Thanks for the continuous support guys :slight_smile:

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