V453/4 Release Notes

Version 453 of Thunkable was released on April 16, 2024

Platform Updates

  • Thunkable Blocks Overview: Add toolbox search

  • Forbid certain characters in asset names

  • Updated links on the project page

  • Fixed issue with downloading and publishing on Android after importing a keystore on an organization project

  • Fixed an issue with copying data viewer block to another screen

  • Increase the minimum supported iOS version to 16.0

New Components

Version 454 of Thunkable was released on April 23, 2024

Platform Updates

Please keep in mind that you may need to do a hard refresh of your browser for the changes to take effect in your project. If you experienced any of these issues on the Thunkable Live app, you will need to update to the latest version through the App Store and/or Google Play Store before any changes will occur. If your downloaded or published app is affected by any of these issues, you will need to re-download or re-publish your app for these changes to take effect.

1 Like

Thank you!

This is huge! And so useful for helping people who can’t find the camera blocks, etc.