Using native Expo SDK features


I did search and was unable to find a similar question.

Is i there a documented way to use native Expo APIs. For example I am interested in using

Related: Is there any way of using native Android APIs (e.g. the Signal Strength API)?

Best regards

Is there any way of using native Android APIs

No. You can use either what is available in Thunkable X, or the functionality of HTML, Javascript, web services (which work in browsers on mobile devices)

Does Thunkable allow html and JavaScript coding?

If Yes how?

See WebViewer postMessage and (scrExchange)

I see, thanks

Although I know c#, Java, JavaScript HTML etc… but It is too advanced for me as I’m newbie in Thunkable

Where to start to learn and converting code to X Thunkable?


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Understood, thanks!