Uploading an image of a canvas to cloudinary

Hi there,

I took a look at this post and thought you might find this project interesting.

When you click the Button, it:

  • Saves the image of the canvas as a cloud variables
  • Uses this cloud variable as a source for the Image component in the app
  • Displays the base 64 URL for the image on a Label

This works for me on Android, iOS and web. If it works in your project, you may find it easier to work with than the Cloudinary API. Make sure to connect your own Firebase DB to your project if you end up using this method!

I noticed that your error message in the original post said that it couldn’t upload the image of the Canvas to Cloudinary as it was an Object, but then found that I couldn’t attach a ‘generate JSON from Object’ block directly to the ‘image of Canvas’ block - I’ll mention this to the team.
