Update of building!

Pleas the update of (37$ ) Does the build update include added ads? Is the addition of ads limited?

Hi @mame97246irt5u7
The AdMob feature is available on the Builder plan as mentioned on our pricing page: https://thunkable.com/pricing

You can find more information about AdMob in our docs: https://docs.thunkable.com/blocks/app-features/admob

Please how many ads I can add? I know just paneer but how many of them ?

في ثلاثاء، ٢٥ فبراير، ٢٠٢٥ في ٩:٤٨ م، كتب Ioannis Roungeris via Community <notifications@thunkable.discoursemail.com>:

Hi @mame97246irt5u7
Please make sure your app does not contain more than one banner ad per screen and place the banner ads at the top of your screen (not sandwiched between app items)