Trying to store image as a list

Dear All,

The app gets photo via camera and stores into mediaDB. Trying to store mediaURL into list and wants to display the images via list.

Sharing the block as it neither showing error nor images.

Kindly assist.

Cloud variables are Firebase Realtime Database paths. And you canโ€™t modify them using list blocks. You can create an app variable list and then save it to a Firebase location using cloud variables, though.

Is there a reason youโ€™re using the older Snap to Place interface?

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I have made changes as advised by you

sharing the blocks and its working
I am used to work in StP not DnD thus its on StP.

What I am aiming to do is , click the camera button five times and automatically those images should sit all the image compenents i.e imageone,imagetwo,imagebutton3,imagebutton4 and imagebutton5 in order, is that possible?

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Can anybody assit on this?

I.e .click the camera button five times and automatically those images should sit all the image compenents i.e imageone,imagetwo,imagebutton3,imagebutton4 and imagebutton5 in order, is that possible?

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