Thunkable App with over 1,200,000 downloads

I get what you’re saying about there not being a paywall in place to publish an app.

Technically this is true.

But really, who wants to publish an app knowing it’s publicly available in the gallery for anyone to remix?

If you have a great idea for an app you might create proprietary algorithms and code via the blocks. You’d want this to be private, so you have to subscribe to Pro.

If it’s a basic app like a Notes app or something that’s two a penny on the app stores then it’s not really a big deal. But for a “proper” app it is.

Since the majority of our users are on the free tier, I’d say most people actually. The public projects make the gallery such a powerful resource for new ideas and helping people get them to the app stores. The really difficult thing is finding an audience, engaging with your users and continually improving your app.

yeah…but you might not? If it’s your first foray into app development, or if you have a project or a client that you are working for you probably won’t have any novel inventions. It’s a bit like saying Snapchat shouldn’t have bothered because Instagram were just going to copy them. There will always be innovators and imitators, I wouldn’t let something like that hold you back from building a “proper” app. :wink:

Hi @domhnallohanlon, this makes SO MUCH more sense! I thought it was weird that I was reading that you couldn’t do the whole process for free. So how do you do that exactly because it is not clear on your platform? Would really appreciate seeing those steps that show how to publish your app for free to the App Store.

Also, what is Dean_Artis referring to exactly? Is he saying that if you were to do this that the app would be put on your platform in such a way that anyone could look at it and take it apart so they can see how it was built? If that’s the case, is that true?

@wwfan - you can imagine publishing an app to be a little like starting a business. The first time you do it getting everything in order can be time consuming but as Ian has mentioned above already everything you need is laid out step-by-step here:

Dean is referring to our public gallery:

Every single public project that has ever been created (or remixed) in Thunkable can be found here. As you can imagine there are several million projects, and some of the most popular ones have been remixed tens of thousands of times, so they all appear in here, where we display them 12 projects at a time.

Just out of curiosity, how many users do you have at the moment? And do you have a marketing budget/strategy in place?

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when did u uploaded thee app
i now its silly but then also pls teell

@eko.devs.apploroceo it was last updated 2 years ago so maybe 6 years i guess?

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hmm… quite slow but gut

@eko.devs.apploroceo it was published in March of 2016, so almost 4.5 years:

This is exactly why I had to get Pro.

I knew what I was building and how it was different from every other app out there. I did not want anyone to see my process or, especially, get the addresses I use for my web server.

Honestly, I had no problem paying the $250 for Pro. I am struggling with reconciling the 80% cost increase to keep it going. Granted, I have two more years, technically, before I hit that 80% jump. However, if my app doesn’t take off in two years, I’ll just scrap the whole project and ride off into the sunset. It’s hard enough supporting an ad-only app with roughly $0.03/day where I am committed to giving 10% of it away for the luxury of ads. Then, we tack on an extra 80% jump. It might drive me out of developing on this platform.

Don’t get me wrong, this platform is phenomenal! I honestly feel like you’re going to drive away hobbyists and, let’s face it, serious developers do not need your platform. They already have the ability to either a) do it themselves or b) hire the programmers who know how to program on either/both platforms. I will enjoy the $250/year while I can, but the $450/year might just shutter the doors for me.

*Edit: I know this thread is 7 months old…I am pretty new here and just reading through many of the threads…