There should be a way to stop text to speech playback

I am waiting for important update on this one.

Due ACCESSIBILLITY it must be possible to use SPEACH to have voice read a text - but also to STOP and RESUME reading the text out loud. Must be a reelatively small issue and now the case is set to Archived without any comment from Thunkable team what so ever which is very annoying.
Dont ever close items without any comments PLEASE

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Hi @stefansladdeneng1, changing this to the Feature Request category.

We hear you and are aware of this limitation within the blocks. I will again pass this info along to the Product team.

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I agree, this affects usability for apps where multiple buttons are playing sounds. Currently when you press a button while audio is already playing the other audio will play over the top - whether a recording or text to speech.

I can do this manually for audio recordings by calling a function that stops each audio from playing (example screenshot attached) but this is not an elegant solution and there is no option to do this when using text to speech
Screen Shot 2023-11-04 at 1.18.18 pm

Can I suggest we have an option to create a logic block to stop current sounds playing, whether audio or text to speech.

Sound lika faboulous idea.

No this questions has not been answered with a delivery date. This should remain open untill tat is reached.