The report section for the inventory application

Hello everyone, I’m doing an inventory program, I haven’t figured out how to get the report information that will be in the report section. For example, the product “x” has a stock of 580 pieces, first 240 of them were sold, then a few days later 25 of them were sold, and I don’t know how to solve them, how to take this information in the form of a graph and export it as a pdf.

Can you help me?

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A great way to use Graphs in your app is:

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so, how can I record data on the “x” day with 20 products sold, the “y” day with 64 products sold, the sales price with profit and loss ratios or something like that

It’s a free API … you use Thunkable’s API component and make requests. You find all the information about API parameters on the site.

in other words, I don’t need to save my sales information, I can get this information automatically and take it to the chart, did I get it right?

If you need that information only to generate a Graph, yes, you got it.
On the other hand, to export that Graph as a .pdf, a more experienced user have to tell you how to do it :slightly_smiling_face:

I need to create a chart, show the buy and sell ratio, show how many shares are left, show profit and loss, show all the details, show options such as monthly daily annual weekly, I need to show all the details these options are very important.

can I make options such as monthly daily yearly weekly if the user does not want the details of them at any time, I just want them to see them as a report, how can I do something like this from the link you sent?

Ok, I’ll give you a few tips (I just can’t duplicate all the information from API or charts documentation, you will have to read it there :wink:)
1st of all, you need to fix the goal: what are the data that needs to be displayed
2nd, according to first step, choose a Graph style that fits the need

3rd, go deep into that graph and look about parameters and syntax used
In the end, your blocks will look something like:

(you will tell the site what you need, with all the parameters set, and the site will provide the Graph).
In my screen, data are extracted from an object, that’s why those joins seems so complicated, but there can be a simple value as well.
And the result can be really nice:

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bu konular hakkında çok bilgim yok daha yeniyim o yüzden size soruyorum.

burada bütün her şeyi gösterebilir miyim?

burada her şey gözükürse en çok satanları nasıl göstericem mesela 1000 tane ürün ekledi bu ürünlerin filtrelemesini nasıl yapabilir yaptırabilir miyim?

farklı farklı kombinasyonlu grafikler mi oluşturmam lazım ne yapmam gerek bunlar hakkında pek bilgim yokta ondan dolayı yardımınıza ihtiyacım var.

hepsine farklı kombinasyonla bir şey ekleyebilir miyim mesela kullanıcı en çok satan 10 ürünü göster işaretlerse veya en az satan 10 ürünü göster derse falan bunları ayarlayabilir miyim ne yapamam gerekli neler yapabilirim bunun hakkında?

en (yandex translate (sorry my bad english)):
I don’t know much about these issues, I’m just new, so I’m asking you.

can I show you everything here?

if everything is visible here, how do I show the best sellers, for example, he added 1000 products, how can I filter these products?

do I need to create different graphs with different combinations, what do I need to do, I don’t know much about them, so I need your help.

can I add something to all of them with a different combination, for example, if the user marks show 10 best-selling products or shows 10 least-selling products, can I set them or something like that, what can I do, what can I do about it?

The more data you use to show on a graph, the hardest to read on the device will be (because the graph will stretch according to data shown). So you need to build your data first, to use only the most relevant, before sending request to site to generate the graph

with some If/else if or test if block you can dynamically generate parameters for the graph according to user’s filters.

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tr :
yani yanlış anlamadıysam istediğim kadar ekleyebilirim doğru mu? , ama benim istediğim şu mesela bu ay “x” ürünü çok sattı onu ve diğer 9 taneyi grafikte göstermek. mesela kullanıcı bunu günlük veya haftalık veya aylık veya yıllık seçerse orada kullanıcının isteğine göre gösterecek. kullanıcı eğer günlük en çok satan 10 ürünü isterse onu grafikte gösterecek 5 ürün isterse onu grafikte gösterecek şekilde yapabilirim yani bunu günlük haftalık aylık yıllık diye kullanıcı isteğine bırakabilir miyim? , mesela kullanıcı her ürün eklediğinde nasıl buradan çekeceğin kendiliğinden ekleme yapıyor mu bunu nasıl yapabilirim ve ben bu kayıtları bir yerde tutmadan nasıl doğru bir şekilde verebilirim? , benim istediğim detaylı bir envanter uygulaması yapmak bunları buradan yapabilir miyim? , günlük satışını gördüğü en çok ürünü gördüğü geçen ay satılan “x” ürünün bu ay satılışına göre yüzdelik olarak artısını eksisini nasıl yapabilirim bunun hakkında yardımcı olabilir misiniz? , kusura bakmayın sizi oyalıyorum ama öğrenmek için soruyorum.

yandex tranlate en :
so, if I’m not mistaken, I can add as many as I want, right? , but what I want is, for example, the product “x” sold a lot this month, to show it and the other 9 on the chart. for example, if the user selects it daily or weekly or monthly or yearly, it will show it there according to the user’s request. if the user wants the 10 best-selling products daily, I can show it on the chart if he wants 5 products, I can do it in a way that shows it on the chart, so can I leave it to the user’s request as a daily weekly monthly annual? , for example, how does the user add a product every time you pull it from here, does it add itself, how can I do this and how can I give it correctly without keeping these records somewhere? , what I want is to make a detailed inventory application, can I do them from here? , how can I make a percentage plus or minus of the “x” product sold in the last month, which sees the most products it sees daily sales, compared to the sales of this month, can you help me with this? sorry, I’m stalling you, but I’m asking to find out.

I don’t want to be misunderstood, but I don’t have answers to these kind of questions.It’s like I need to think about the whole application from the scratch.
My advice for you is to try something, start something, design something, and at a point you get struggled, just come here for a particular issue and ask for help, showing what you have achieved (your blocks) and focus on what doesn’t work as expected.
Decompose your whole problem in little things and go step by step through achievements until you will get to the desired final result.


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