Switch from "Write With Response" to "Write Without Response"

Im wondering if theres a way to switch the way that the ble functions transmit data. I made two apps one with mit app inventor and one with thunkable and it seems mit app uses “Write Without Response” (0x04) and thunkable uses “Write” (0x08).

The problem with “Write (0x08)” is that it is a write request and the device Im working with doesnt have a way to handle write requests and so it throws an error. I got it to work with mit app but thunkable is cleaner and smoother so id like to be able to make the app with thunkable.

I asked the copilot ai in windows if there was a way and it said there are 4 arguments for the transmit blocks

Service uuid
characteristic uui
write type

But the only arguments i see are “Characteristic uuid” and “Data”. Even mit app inventor only has the other 3 and not write type so idk where it got this answer from.

If theres not a way to do that would the admins move this topic into the “Feature request” section because it would be nice to do.

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Did you try this block?