Survey Calculator

I’m creating a personality survey that asks a series of questions and calculates your response and displays your personality. I’m stuck on how to calculate the data. Below is a picture of my block. I need to add my app variable response and then divide by 3 but i’m stumped. Any help would greatly be appreciated

Hi and welcome to Thunkable!

Any time I’m coding in Thunkable and find myself repeating a series of blocks more than a couple times, I stop and consider whether there’s a dynamic way to do the same thing. So perhaps you’ve paused there, too, realizing that setting up 15 slides and 15 variables for each question/screen is going to be a ton of work. And then for any changes later, you have to make changes to hundreds of blocks.

Any Component blocks are going to simplify this a lot. You could, for example, set up one slider in the Design tab the way you want it to look and then clone it 15 times. That makes the layout simpler and much more efficient to work with.

But regardless of whether or not you go that route, I’d still use Any Component blocks to calculate what you need because they also simplify that process.

Unfortunately, I think the Switch component in Thunkable may still be buggy. I couldn’t get this first step to work which would be crucial for calculating the sum of all switches in a loop:

Clicking and changing the value of a switch doesn’t display anything in the label. I’ve reported this issue here:

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Sorry, I made a mistake with my blocks, confusing Switch and Slider blocks.

Here’s a corrected version: Thunkable

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