Suggestion - Option to prevent screenshot on thunkable X

is it possible to prevent getting screenshots on thunkable X made apps. i searched for this topic on google and even on thunkable found out it was not possible at that time without using android studio.but since the thunkable X has new features cant we get this function also. it will be very helpful most of the apps which use private data etc.

some previous questions asked by thunkers,

this is really a mandatory option if we intend to use thunkable X for next level apps. currently most of the apps bank apps use this option. (even for there webview apps) even after 25 days didnt get any update from the support team. hope to hear from them soon.

Hey @Bro, apologies for the delay getting back to you.

I’m not sure I’d fully agree with that statement. For me this would fall in the “nice to have” category rather than the “need to have” one.

Can you tell us a little more about the use case you have in mind for this feature?

App status: Suspended
Issue details

We found an issue in the following area(s):

  • In-app experience: Please see attached screenshot com.no_limit_tips.Rollover_VIP-InAppExperience-465.png