[Solved] Webapp on different browsers with stored variables

Hi, when running the web app, I notice that stored variables seem to be “stored” in the browser, is this correct?

Meaning that if the user then opens the same web app in a different browser the stored variables don’t get picked up. At least this is what is happening to me.

Is this a bug (or it it what is to be expected)?

Any ideas on a way around it (beyond using cloud variables)?


Hi @max.langoscor0rmb,

This is intended. Different devices do not share the same local storage. Think of it as when you take a photo on your phone, it doesn’t magically appear on your laptop.

Stored variables work off the devices local storage, in the case of Web Apps, this would come under cache. So the answer to your question: This is not a bug.

The user will have to sign in at least once on a new device, this is how every online service works, take Instagram or Spotify as leading examples. If you want to store the user’s information such as their name, age or favourite ice-cream, then you would have to store this in a database, and retrieve this data through the user’s Firebase User ID. This is easily achieved using Airtable or Firebase, as the Sign In component returns the User’s ID upon Sign In :slight_smile:


thanks @eoinparkinson,
I must have been unclear. What I meant was relative to accessing the webapp from the same pc but from different browsers (in my case explorer first and then firefox). So same device, but different browser, the webapp reacts as if I were using a new device. :wink:

It will save on local browser data/cookies. On Chrome if you look at the cookies, you will see a database. I am guessing that’s where it is stored.

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Different browsers don’t share cache. In short you’re going to have to sign in once on every new device or browser. This would be the same for Instagram, even Thunkable!

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Thanks for this confirmation.

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