[Solved] Still confused on how to connect with ximilar

I am a beginner on thunkable and I am completely lost on how to connect ximilar with thunkable. I am still a bit unfamiliar with the the blocks and this is my first time actually coding.

I have gone through tutorials and have read all the posts regarding ximilar( how to link with ximilar and classification through AI) but I am still confused.

I was hoping someone could help me really pinpoint where I am going wrong.( which I have feeling is with everything)
I will be truly grateful.

Hi @amna52095vc, thanks for your patience!

Looking over some previous topics about Ximilar, it sounds like you need to convert the image to base 64 to get this to work.

Check this previous topic here about how to do that, it sounds like that may be what you are needing here.

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Thank you so much for taking out the time. I got the code to work.