How to link Ximiliar app to Thukable

Hello I am having trouble figuring out how to use the Web ApI. I am trying to link a recognition app from Ximilar to thinkable but im not sure what to do

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You can watch my tutorial video here:

If you have any trouble, post the API url you’re using and provide some more details about what you’re trying to do.

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So within the first 2:30 minutes in the Ximilar app is something that you have to log into instead of being an open site. Unlike your example where it is open to the public, does this make this process not able to happen or do I have to do something different?

I did however come across:
curl -H “Content-Type: application/json” -H “authorization: Token API_TOKEN -d ‘{“records”: [ {"_url": “SOME_URL” }, {"_base64": “…”} ] }’
Although when I use the… it comes up as default backend - 404

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Do you have your own token for this service?

There are two ways to provide the headers (-H in cURL syntax). Either as part of Web API header block or in the Web API setup screen.

You need to provide both Content-Type and authorization as instructed.

Yes it comes with: a token and ID and it is JSON

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Next is to determine the end-point you should use to add it to the website address and then to use the last part to point to where your image resides.

Alright so when In thunkable when I click Web api another screen pops up and it asks for the URL,Query parameters, Body, Header( Property, value). Im not too sure on the actual URL to use, I believe I skip the Query and body and within the header I added an authorization and content type. IS this correct so far?

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Yes, this is correct.

I received this error. How do I get around this? I believe I inserted everything else correctly?
WWW-Authenticate: Token

“detail”: “Authentication credentials were not provided.”

you have to include these n your headers:

> Content-Type: application/json
> Authorization: Token 1af538baa90-----XXX-----baf83ff24

note - the authorization must be entered exactly as shown “Token” followed by space then YOUR API

These are included. im having trouble with what the url should be within the api. I was trying to reproduce what tatiang did in his video @ 3:32 and I cannot get this to happen.

I might have gotten it correct but now im seeing " invalid character in header field name “Content Type”

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maybe it should be Content-Type
shpw us a picture of your header and url blocksa

so adding the dash made it go to the correct spot but as soon as it works…

for starters, your url (after building the parts together) resut in a double slash (//) between “.com” and “v2” (see set webapi url block)

I deleted the one
not sure if it made a difference

if you’re asking ximilar to do recognition and classification i suposse you have to pass the image you want it to process. you have to use another option of set_webapi - which is body, then set it to something like this:

> { 
>   "records": [
>     {  "_id": "2342",     // (note that it's a string)
>        "_url": "",
>        "product_id": "unique product string",
>        "my_category": "customer category",
>        "product_price": 32.5,
>        "my_tags": [ "one", "two", "three" ]
>     }
>   ]
> }

at the minimum, suppy an id and url.
i’m just going by what their website is saying (First Steps, Auth & Images - Ximilar API)

do you have an image to test with? you will need to add a block like this after headers:


or use the method you mentioned - of using a base64 version of the image

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A block representation of this would be

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although the body can be represented as a string, this method is the prescribed way of encoding the body of webapi request.

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