As a Thunkable Pro user, I was under impression that Made with thunkable Logo will go away when the final app is published on the app store. To my disappointment, I see that its still there.
Is this something that can be turned off or not or our users will always see this on app startup? Any clarification will be helpful.
The option to modify the splash screen is available to Business or Team Level Users. With one of these subscriptions, if you change your app icon, your new icon will appear on the splash screen.
For many users, this brief flash doesn’t impact the initial launch of their app nor does it impact initial traction while validating their MVP. Of these users, many of them have created their own custom splash screens to follow the beaver launch screen. We have splash screen examples that you can check out or remix here. This example has two screens and control blocks. If you look at the blocks section, you can see that Screen1 has an event block ‘when Screen1 opens’. Waits 1.5 seconds and then it will navigate to Screen2.
If you have any other questions for us, as you continue to use Thunkable, please just let us know.