[Solved] Just showing Youtube video and no comment in app?


I’ve added a Youtube link to Web Viewer, as expected, it will display the video + comments and everything like loading a website. Is there a way to just display the video within the app? Not sure if embedding is possible.

Perhaps input iframe too?

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To do this, you need to specify a link to the video itself, and not on the page with the video, where there is also a comment - right click on video, select option “copy HTML-code”, paste this this html-code in editor and get direct url from it.


ohh ok the embed link, tried it and it worked, thanks!

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Thanks, @actech! :smile:

I was also searching for just the video to show :blush:

@actech Is there a way to autoplay the Youtube?


<iframe id="ytplayer" type="text/html" width="640" height="360"

or no

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Hmmm, didn’t work

When adding the “?autoplay=1” behind the web address, the video can auto play on web browser. However, when opened within the app, it doesn’t auto play. At this point, the MediaPlaybackRequiresUserAction was set to false too.

Tomorrow I’ll see it. Try to play with the option AllowsInlineMediaPlayback.

yep that was tried but didnt work

Found this, perhaps using this function?

(or maybe not, the button may infer to app button rather than the start button that’s loaded within Web Viewer)

Unfortunately, I have not found ways to start autoplay.

@actech no worries thanks for trying!

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