[SOLVED] In D&D editor, when i scroll up the website crashes

Hi there,

When in the screen editors (not the blocks), when i scroll up the whole website crashes all the times and it doesn’t help the workflow.
Is it a known issue or is it something that only happens to me?

I’m using Microsoft Edge (which is faster than Google Chrome)

Hello @maurizio.polverini89 Thank you for reporting this issue. We have flagged it to our engineering team and will provide an update as soon as possible.

Hello there,

Situation got even worse.
I converted a new project from stp to d&d and it crashes also when i try to navigate through screens (not only if i scroll up), i’m unable to work at all.

I dislike and i usually never use the word “urgent”, but unfortunatly this is the case as i need to make changes that can’t be done in the original snap to place project.

I hope you can solve this issue soon, i rely on your hands.

Thank you
Here is the video
Video.zip (3.9 MB)

@maurizio.polverini89 Could you open your browser console and send us a recording of that as well. The cause of this behavior will likely be shown in the console.

You can find info on how to access your browser’s console here.

Thank you!

This is when i open the page

this is exactly after it crashes, once scrolled left/right:


Perfect, thank you! I will pass that last error along–should be very helpful in helping our engineering team fix the issue.

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Yes please, same thing happens to me. When i scroll in the design tab, the entire thunkable goes white. I have to reload and be careful not to scroll in the design tab.

+1 to this - I am getting a crash on any laptop when I two-finger scroll using the touchpad while on the ‘design’ screen of the app editor. This is pretty bothersome because our students use Thunkable on laptops and they’re not particularly resilient to the screen suddenly blanking. I am getting a very similar error, but I’ve attached it in case more data helps. This is in chrome - I could test other browsers, but it seems like it might be across multiple.

Data for the team and work-around for others:
When using the most recent version of Firefox, I do not experience the crash.


Hello @john_shelbyhtmq @maurizio.polverini89 @wemee019gx7p3
I can’t replicate this issue anymore. Please let us know if it is still an issue for you.

This is no longer an issue for me.

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