[Solved] How to sum all of item in simple list?

Hello everyone
I read many questions and answers about “sum of list” here.
But I still really don’t understand and can’t find out the answer.

I insert number to a list (for example : item 1 =1,item 2 =2, item 3 = 3, item 4 = 4 and more as mush as I want)
then I want to sum all of item. I expect result would be 10 (1+2+3+4)
But the result shows 01234 which I don’t want it to be mixed together like this.

Could someone help me please ?
Thank you in advance.

You’re trying to sum (add) text strings. But you want to sum numbers. So you need to convert each text string to a number by adding zero to it.

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note the highlghted block below it shows how to convert a number in text form (we know it’s in text form because it came from a text input field) to a true number (internally) using the trick of adding zero to it.

and the result

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Thank you …tatiang and manyone.
T tried it as you recommended. It works !!

Thanks a lot for your help.