[Solved] How to prevent going back to previous screen on IOS?

Hi, is there a way to dissable the user form going back to a previous sceen on IOS? im using thunkable X with the new drag and drop UI

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You may use this block
to put there any other action that prevents your app to use default action of back button… You may even tell to go to the same screen.

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In the documentation, this block is for Android only although I never tested it if it will work in iOS.

Ah, didnt knew it as I’m using only Android. My mistake if is not for iOS too :thinking:

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Thanks for the replies @mimostel @muneer , indeed that block only works for Android, so far I’ve seen nothing that prevents iOS users from going to previous screen by swiping

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Are you using a Navigator?

What about a variable that holds the desired screen? Then on any screen load, check the variable and if it’s not the correct page, go to it.


I’m not

That’s an interesting approach, I’ll give it a try, thanks

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It seems there is currently (and possibly never will be) no way of preventing the user from going to a previous screen on iOS, but there is a way to bring the user back to the desire screen, thanks to @jared fot the advice, I initialized a variable called activeScreen in the first screen and added a Control block, when the Screen1 opens, if the activeScreen variable is set to Screen 2, navigate to that screen and so on if you have any other numbers of screens, here is an example



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