[Solved] How to Display Photo Attachments from Airtable

Photo Attachements in Airtable, How to call it and display in picture.

I tried calling as i used to call any cell or any column… but calling an attachment doesnt do anything. please guide.


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Will anyone from thunkable has answer to this …

Can you include a picture of the blocks you are currently using? Thanks.


See the problem is that Airtable attachments are not called as text / image.

The way I uploaded to airtable was by using mediaurl. Now How to download the mediaurl to photo in image field… That is question.

Just to answer ur request, sharing the blocks of uploading and downloading.


photo section being attachment wont download.
Text section being text does very well…

Got my answer from here.

This is what I did.


Hi Navneet, May I have your permission to view your project as Public because I’m not a PRO user of Thunkable X. Thank you for understanding :slight_smile: