(SOLVED) Does password contain any special characters?

I’m not sure if this work, does it needs any fixs?

And the app variable characters is a list that contains special characters like (@!#%$)

The does contain block checks for the existence of a text string within another text string. For example:

• does “darn!” contain “!” returns TRUE
• does “darn!” contain “!@#%” returns FALSE

The in text find first occurrence of text returns a number representing the location of the searched for string in the target string, or zero if not found. For example:

• in text “darn!” find first occurrence of text “!” returns 5
• in text “darn!” find first occurrence of text “!@#%” returns 0

So to check for multiple invalid characters, you’ll need to loop through the letters in the Password input's Text to check if app variable Characters contains them.

Thanks will do, so far i don’t know if it works but visually it does.

Your blocks will determine if the password the user types in contains a zero (“0”). Try it and you’ll see.