[Solved] Button will not attach to Screen 1

I’m starting to learn thunkable, and I come up to obstacle at first step.

I have opened a thunkable account using Google. I’m logged into the account on my desktop and phone.

When I change the color of Screen1 on my desktop, the color of the live app changes.

But when I drag a Button to Screen1, the Button won’t stick to Screen1. None of the User Interface items (i.e., Label, Text Input, List Viewer) will stick on Screen1. So I can’t move forward.

I’ve tried logging out, back in. I’m stuck. Hoping for a clue.


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Hi, @raymm385294fti! :wave:
Welcome to our Community! :tada:

It might be that you are not dragging out the components correctly :face_with_monocle:

Have a look on this quick tutorial by me -
(This video demonstrates how to drag out components correctly)

Also, I would like to suggest you to walk through some basic tutorials from Thunkable on Youtube :slightly_smiling_face:
Here’s the link - Tap here to open the Playlist :link:

Best of luck for your app-developing journey! :tada:

Feel free to ask any questions here :smile: We are always here to help you :+1:
Thanks! :blush:

P.S. I have changed this topic’s category to #thunkable-cross coz it’s a Thunkable X discuss :slightly_smiling_face:

Better Link to avi file that will play and show how I am dragging and dropping User Interface components


I use several browsers, but have never seen such a situation. Which browser do you use?

OK, your comment gave me a clue.

I was using Vivaldi. I switched to Chrome and the button stuck.

Thanks for your help.

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Happy Thunking! :tada: