[Solved] Another JSON Query - But it goes wrong (null)

Dear all - In a querie i get the response - and in the other image you see the Thunkable blocks.
I must be really stupid but i cant get anything else but NULL. I am asking for [1].urls.regular
But something is wrong… any ideas…

When you use the property name “[1].urls.regular” you’re assuming that the object is an array (aka list). But your JSON is not. It’s just simply a nested object. A JSON array would start with [{ and on codebeautify or whatever site you’re using to visualize the JSON, it would most likely have “array” at the top rather than “object” (or possibly in addition to “object”).

To get the “regular” value, you would get the property “urls.regular” of the JSON object.

If that doesn’t fix it, post the full JSON as text. It’s hard to diagnose JSON parsing issues without that. Be sure to format the text using the </> button in the forums toolbar above the post in order to remove smart quotes.

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Of course your explanation made it again😀
Well explained…
Thank you

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