[Solved] Android works in preview - format is incorrect and completly unresponsive when downloading APK

App that has bluetooth BLE and web page connection to a device. Works perfectly in preview on android and when compiled into APK, it formats incorrectly and is completely unresponsive to user input, touch and can only be closed by forcing app close.

First screenshot is in preview and second is in APK. Early version of the app worked - just screen format.


Message from support.

The issue with the layout changes was due to the fact that most of the elements on the page were using Resize Mode = Float in Place , I adjusted everything to Stretch and, as you can see, the elements are in a much better place now.

The issue was the same with the Scan button, I did move that down a bit on the screen. Most devices, if an element is placed too close to the edge of the screen, will have difficulty getting into a clickable area. Moving that down made the button clickable again and scanning for devices was working

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