Show Advanced Block? Is this New?

I just stumbled on the “Show Advanced Block” Dropdown menu option for the share message block (see image below). Has this alwasy been there, or is this new? Is this the way Thunkable making asynchronous blocks synchronous? (please)



No. It has been there for quite a while.

Wouldn’t that be awesome? Some kind of switch between “run in parallel” and “wait until completed.”


About a week? 🎉 Try out the new blocks editor 2020-11-10

The intent is to make blocks more intuitive and easier to get started with. The default will be the most frequently used option while the “advanced” block shows…well more advanced options like debugging and error handling.



Error handling would be a dream come true!

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@drted, a lot of blocks have this already but it’s just not going to be visible in the new “simple” blocks since it’s so rarely used.

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