Set Button Text to component doesn't work

Hey there!
Hope everyone is doing well! In my app, a translator for English/Spanish/French/Italian, when I try to put the set button text to “…” it does not do so. It seems to me that my coding is correct but for some reason it is not.

Images of Design Interface & Coding:

The “Italian” button is Button_LanguageOpt1. Hopefully you can tell me what is wrong so I can fix it.


Can you share a link to the project?

Hey! Thanks for taking some of your time!
Here is the link to the project:Thunkable

Note: some coding blocks are unfinished

If I click on Italian, then English changes to Italian. But if I click on Spanish, nothing changes. Is that the problem? If so, you haven’t coded the Spanish button completely yet:

I would code both LanguageOpt buttons this way instead of what you have for the Italian button:

Translator cropped (1)

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Oh ok thanks a lot!

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