Search Input in Drag And Drop UI

Hi I was making Translator Using DND UI By seeing Video of Thunkable
I want to make a search box to search languages Because It was taking time to search languages by scrolling it so I want to make a search box
Even I saw some topics but it was not of drag and drop UI

Please Tell Me how to do that

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As far as i am aware the tutorials Will also work in DnD.(Drag And Drop)
I used some StP(Snap To Place) tutorials in DnD like searching.


I made this is StP (Snap to Place) but the same code will work in DnD (Drag and Drop)

This is a text search for Data Viewer which you can use for lists

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Can I send The Link Of My project and just can you see where should i put the text input @muneer
This link

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You can if you want.

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Pls see @muneer

Where is it. I don’t see any link in your message.

I just saw it in an earlier message.
Ignore this comment.

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Ok sir

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See my modifications


Thhhhaannnnkkk Yyyyyooouuu ssoooo mmmmuuuccchh @muneer


Thank You For Helping @muneer and @sketch
You’re the great Developers


You’re welcome

Thank you :blush:


Glad that you found it useful.


:grin: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Hi @muneer Sorry for discussing again but in app there is a problem pls see this video Problem In Translator - YouTube
When I search with the help of text input the language it gives another meaning and when I scroll and search it without writing in text input then it gives right meaning why

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This can be easily fixed. When you search you actually change the index of the countries and therefore you will select a wrong index.

Ok but I am not knowing how to do that :sweat_smile:
Can u just help sorry

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I fixed it already.
Remix that project again to get the updated one.

The link you changed ??
Thank you It is working :smiling_face::smiling_face:
See the problem is solved


The link isn’t working, need help creating a search page in the new drag and drop UI.

The Goal is to make a search and then the search go to the detailed page
with a map with selected coordinates