Hello we really nee close screen option…
You can request features in the GitHub repository that is linked to in the pinned post in this community.
why thunkable don’t have file library? Photo library allows the sharing and upload of images to cloud. But there is no option the sharing and upload of files (pdf, doc, ppt etc) to the cloud.
would be nice
I found bug in thunkable x platform while creating variables.
first is if I duplicate initialize variable block of any one variable, I had used previously ( Consider it as Source Variable ). then it duplicate block but after rename to this variable( consider it as new variable). then it automatically change the name of my previously used variable(Source Variable) in my all project where I was used it. And due to this I had again recheck my all block where I had used my source variable and need to change this variable again but it very difficult to find all used variable in large project because it need to find each variable in all project and makes change in what ever change due creating duplicate variables.
second If I dont use duplicate variable and create new variable by taking initialize variable block from left menus of variable section and drag to block screen and assign name to this variable then in this case it automatically changing name of all variable I had used which had starting letter as same as new assign name starting letter due to this bugs I had to again recheck my variable in my all project and again need to make change as per previously.
Hope You will understand Fix the issue. I think I tried my best to explain this error.
please comment if you also facing this issue.
I experienced the duplicate variable bug too but (luckily) not yet came across the second problem… Still these bugs seem very essential to be fixed since they can easily mess up a large project…
Could you file a bug report at the Github repo?
I dont know about how to file this bug report I had face this error in my all projects but it creating very serious issue in my big projects that have many variables it consuming my much more time to rectify for this variable issue as you know already know that thunkable blocking screen working very slow and time lagging due to this it also consuming much more time that I think that I had share this issue in community tab so that it ill fix soon. and one more thing is that thunkable email support team is not as good as I was expecting they are not gives feedback to mail quickly. that why I am not mailing them.
Yes, now I see these 2 bugs!
I’m afraid to make a mistake, but I encountered the second mistake about a year ago and this was another reason why I try not to use global variables and initialization blocks.
I dont know about how to file this bug report
See Thunkable Docs
Best regards, Alex
ACtech demo project
Thunkable X Basic Programming Course
Block Reference
Component Reference
Bug tracker
Please report bugs using the GitHub repository that is featured in the pinned post in this community.
i have a problem when i try to build my app and install it on my phone. Everytime, the build is successfully made but after the download, i have the error “there is a problem parsing the package”. I tried to build a simple app with only 1 label: it doesn’t work. I tried on different Google’s accounts: same. And it’s going this way since days ago. Does someone know how to fix this ?
Instead of new features Thunkable needs improvement for example new fonts new and slots of transitions more animations from buttons to screens to etc and smoothness .video upload. These small things make huge difference. New features will only bring in more bugs but improvements will make UI and UX very cool
Hi @bobbyj12 - thanks for your patience.
Here’s the correct link:
Do you remember where you found that link?
Hi Kingsikordering, have you found out a way to correct this white space after the keyboard is dismissed?
Hi Thunkable, a feature I think would be nice is an iOS 13 dark mode compatibility. This would be helpful in so many ways and if I can already do something like this, can someone tell me how?
To submit a bug or feature request, please follow the steps outlined in this doc or if you are a Github veteran, simply visit this link to our new public repository .
I would like to have a form of payment. I read that Thunkable X had Stripe Payment. But it was pulled because it did not work with IOS. Is that going to be fixed or is their another credit card form of payment going to be available in the near future?