Reading content of uploaded files

Using the “Files Blocks” it’s quite straitforward to upload files in the app.
But then how do I access the content of these files (mainly Json files) ? I need it in order to work offline.

Actually I solve this problem with Web API and stored variables (so not using at all “Files Blocks”), but I guess one could find a better solution.

Thanks in advance for any reply, comment, hint, …

@motzet I may be misreading what you’re asking here but there is generally this green file block available that allows you to access the file upon downloading.

@conroy Thanks for your reply. In the “green file block” I get simply the file name I’ve just downloaded (which I know already in advance…), but what I’m looking for is the content of this downloaded file.
Content which I can get for exemple using the response in the call Web API ’ Get !

Have you tried assigning the green file block to an Image component’s Picture? You should see the image. If you’re asking for a way to view the binary (text) data of the file, I’m not sure how you would do that. Maybe the JSON from Object block?