Putting a 'Group' into a 'Layout'

I’ve noticed that all the ‘Basic Components’ can be inserted into the ‘Layout Component’.
Except for
the ‘Group Component,’ which can’t be inserted into it.

If a ‘Group Component’ can be inserted into the ‘Layout Component’, then we could use the X and Y of a ‘Basic Component’ and move it around inside the Layout Component, via the ‘Group Component’.

We can use the X and Y on a ‘Canvas’ when it is in the ‘Layout Component’ so why not let the user use the X and Y of a component if it is on a ‘Group Component’ which is inside a “Layout Component.”

Hello @peterjamesleniq
Thank you for sharing your feedback.
As you said, adding a Layout with a group inside is something that we don’t currently support but you could create a Feature Requests about it.
Group and Layout component are using two different ways to align components inside them.
Inside layouts you can add containers.
Just to understand, why do you need to use Layout with a group inside?
You could add a group without a Layout

I personally find the combination of Group nested in a layout very useful in making complex ui like scrollable layouts. Since Groups are not scrollable but clickable and layouts are likewise opposite of groups


Master Layout (vertically scrollable)
Group1 (clickable)

Multiple Components nested in a layout (Group1—>Layout—>xcomponent)

Group2 (clickable)

Multiple Components nested in a layout (Group2—>Layout—>xcomponent)

Like this we can have n number of groups nested in a master layout which can be scrolled a structure like (Master Layout–>Group(s)–>Layout—>Multiple components)

Why not use Thunkable Modules ? Best of both worlds @longcodes22kpn5 @peterjamesleniq

I appreciate your suggestion to use Thunkable Modules. However, I am not very familiar with it. Could you please explain it. I would really look forward to understanding this better and applying it to my project.

Hi @longcodes22kpn5, take a look at our Docs about Modules and let us know if you have any questions after reading through those!