Possibility to have more UI controls

Hello everyone i’d like to request to have a future where we can have more UI controls.
What do i mean with UI controls? with Ui controls i mean to have the ability to change the native OS UI elements such as status bar colors, right now we have the possibility to change the status bar color on android however android has much more UI elements such as a Navigation bar, it’s a bar with 3 buttons to go back, go home and see recent apps. You can even hide all all bars and even add a second bar, wich adds game controls.

Basically i’d like to see these futures:
Ability to change navigation bar colors on the Android UI,
A option to go into full screen mode, for both a single component or the whole screen,
A option to tell the OS that it is a game and can show game settings when swiping down.

Please Note: I am not a Iphone developer so i’m sorry if i only suggested android futures :sweat_smile:


Hello @sketch
Thank you for creating this feature request
We will review what you shared with our team and let you know if we have any follow-up questions or recommendations that may be helpful for you.

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