When adding a prompt the response i get is chopped of. I have a feeling that it is the maximum length of the Token / Completion is to low by default. Does anyone know the default value?
Now, checking with chatgpt, prompt coulkd be completed with as string like this to increase the max length - CAN i do that through thunkable blocks somehow ?
Appreciate a quick reply…i can not just add this text as part of the string…can i ?
response = openai.Completion.create(
@tatiang @ioannis Do you know...??
For example is this correct approach?

@stefansladdeneng1 Please note that it goes against our Community Guidelines to tag users in your first post, please refrain from doing so in the future.
You might be able to edit the max length by updating the request settings.
These can be accessed by clicking on the gear icon next to the Open AI component.
I think i need to reopen this one and ask for som techinal and to view in the logs.
When i am running an OpenAI Prompt through the system it works perfekt on computer screen
but when i run it through any Phone (Iphone 8 and 13) the system chop of the text some how and the whole response is not visualized in the label as it is ion a computer screen.
whom on the technical side in Thunkable can help me look into this ?
Thansk in advance…
PS This May have to do with the Maximum Length talked above. Happy to share my project though with Thunkable for investigation
@stefansladdeneng1 Can you please share screenshots of both the app on a device and how it looks in your design editor? It is impossible for anyone to be able to help very much if we cannot see what is going on. Thank you!
Here are the screenshots required. The top one is of course from Thunkable live and the lower one is from Computer. Since it is an AI prompt asking the response is a little bit different every time.
The parsing and structuring after the response works fine so if cant be that. (It woks on computer screen) i also elaborated with adding witing time sithout success
Something is happening when running on thunk live app
Are these UI components set within our Layout component?
How the components render in the Thunkable Live app can be different due to the screen size of the device you are testing with and the Apple-required white space that will condense the viewable area.