I want local parcel delivery app, if anyone have then please share the details here immediately.
I see you have the exact same topic on Kodular forum. Please don’t spam forums. Only post on the community of the builder you are using.
Actually I want solution, of my topic. Therefore, I take both the option. If I get any solution from anyone of these forum then i’ll immediately delete the post where I got no solution.
Thank you for notice the activity.
Everyone wants solutions. But that doesn’t give them the right to spam multiple forums.
EDIT: are you looking to buy a ready made app (ie an aia file) or do you want help with creating an app?
Contact me tuappinvetorandroid@gmail.com
Thank You everyone, I got my solution already.
Im looking for the same thing. Can u tell the solution
@Rrrrr can you tell us a little more about what you’re trying to build here please?
What’s you business model and do you have any preliminary designs for this app?
Food delivery app for local food
Where are you from? I wonder about your progress. I was struggling to find such an app in our region for too long, and now I want to find qualified delivery services. My dad says that I shouldn’t waste time on this because our last good delivery company has been bankrupted last year, lol. Honestly, I didn’t think that I’m gonna find smth special but my friend someday told me about the china post tracking that can provide such services in the US. I was happy to know that this company works even in my small city. I hope there would be more delivery companies in our region soon.
This is over a year old. I’m going to close the topic but feel free to send a private message to the user. They may or may not still be active on the forums.