Numbers to words

for those of you who print a lot of checks, this app can convert any number (currently, any integer number under 1x10^15) to english words. enjoy!


Very cool! Looks simplistic but I know better and had to glance at your blocks. You’re a force to be reckoned with!


haha! i had fun coding this because it’s recursive! there’s an accidental benefit - if you extend variable app gw with the next logical progression, (Ie. append “,quadrillion”) , everything works automatically - including threshold and warning message.
additional notes: i take back what i said there. i may have been lucky with the few numbers i tried in the quadrillion range. the routine works only up to the maximum value that can be stored in a number type in thunkable - which i don’t know - it might even depend on the architecture where thunkable is running. but it seems to be working fine for numbers up to 999 trillion plus!


Wow! Incredibly accurate. As @tatiang said, it looked simple, but the code was mind-boggling.

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