Nothing getting carried out after setting a variable

If I’m not mistaken, stored variables in Thunkable follow the same rules of JavaScript variables which can “cast” (change) only between basic types. This means you can store Text, Boolean, Numbers and Null interchangeably but you can only change to the advanced types (list and object) from a null. So if the variable holds a list or an object you will have to first make it null to be able to assign a text or a number to it.

That is my theory of the problem.

Somewhere in your code you are giving this stored variable a value of a list or an object and this prevents it from being changed to another type.

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@muneer Thanks for the detailed explanation! The code which I have shared above is the first instance of setting the stored variable’s value in the app. I am creating a checkbox function to save a daily word count target. I’m retrieving that value using the any component blocks. But regardless of list or object, if I set my variable to “hello” and try to display it, nothing happens.

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Are you using an object or Base64 to show your Tick? This code be the source of the problem.

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Just copied the tick text from Google.

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Can @domhnallohanlon and @muneer confirm because i am seeing label1’s text as label

Can you replace the Tick with any normal character such as “x” just to test?

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Sure, am doing that right now.

Edit: @muneer My label hasn’t changed.

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I didn’t get what you mean.

check out her project, everything works fine for me.

Check out whose project?

your project

Can you send me the link to your project to check it myself.

Please note for stored variables, you will need to change the variable name before testing to avoid the previously stored value.effecting the test.

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Oh, were you responding to @muneer ?
(Aside: I’m a ‘she’)


Sure, I’ll share it with you.

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thats what i said :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I might be able to help, too. What’s the name of your project?

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